Thursday 18 June 2009

Reflection on Hardcore Nation 2009 album


Mise en Scene
Lighting: The lighting is very high key and flattering on the model face. This highlights her features which help to attract its target consumer and opposite gender in buying the album.

Positioning: The model is located in the centre which helps draw attention to the cover. This album cover is very busy however, the model stands out in a striking dance pose. Another convention similar to dance albums.

Colour: The colours are very vibrant with the neon purple and blues with a bright luminous effect which helps set the mood by portraying a rave scene for its stock setting.

Mode of Address: As a product, this gives a direct mode of address and makes the audience gain a connection towards the model by applying emotion towards her facial gesture. Its audience will be attracted to the cover and will more likely to buy it if they feel connected.
Image: The image being shown is very seductive. The image presents the CD as exciting and fun for this genre of music by the models dance pose and relax facial gesture.

Gesture and Body Language: This image is targeting at both genders by the feminine colours and sexual pose from the model. The information you get about this character portrayed is a free, exciting night life. The image being represented helps portray the ‘HARDCORE LIFE’ by the way the model is positioned, which is a dance pose with her hands high up and free.

Framing: framing seems to very tight with the medium long shot. The model is dominating the frame which challenges gender by having her seem controlling in a tight frame

Representation: This album represents gender. This image reinforces stereotypes of woman. Women are usually portrayed for sitting and looking after the children. Having the model being seductive and rebellious with the ripping of her clothes helps to break the chain. This represents strong powerful woman, which helps engage is audience as well as attracting individuals to reflect into her behaviour. The model is very attractive with her long black hair and pretty features, which help sell this and attract its target audience. The model represents the typical female gender, by showing her flesh and being attractive in a sexual way. This is trying to help promote the CD by attracting its consumer.

Setting: The setting isn’t shown, however by the way the model is positioned, it connotes a club scene by her body language and costume.

Costume: Her costume is very revelling with a stylish raving costume, which is typical style of clothing for a hardcore rave scene. It is very clear to who the target audience is being targeted at, which are ‘hardcore’ fans.

Blurb: There seems to be special context on the cover, saying its been mixed by two of the biggest names in hardcore, Stu Allan and Joey Riot. This helps attracts the consumer and helping promoting the CD by using well known names, to help it stand out from the other albums.
Title/ font: The font ‘HARDCORE NATION 2009’ is very bold in capital letters which has a big impact on the audience. The title is slanted to the same angle of the image, which creates a feeling that the model is combined and tagged to the title reinforcing that she is hardcore.

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