Friday 17 July 2009

Video of summarise of findings

At the end of the research stage, i had to compile a vidoe to summarise my group's findings

We managed to get it all fimled in one day, so that was succesful. We tried ways of getting our point across in a fun manner. We tried filiming outside in new location which helped added a fun atmosphere to the video.

we editied our vidoe on the Imovie. we added sound tracks and even tried to convert a vidoe of youtube into imoive, however this was unsuccesful. The convert website wasnt reading the url code.

we wanted to engage our viewer, so our main target was to make the begiing as fun and exciting, so it would attract the viewer. we did this by jump cutting to different psotioons on the bench and each say somthing and swapiing places. we added a non-diegetic sound track at the begning, which made it look more professional


  • as a pair, we didnt consider time, therefore our time managment wasnt very good. we went over 10mins, which could mean out view might get bored, but the information it foucused and doesnt go off the subject of the points we are trying to make.

our video is now complete, however we cant put in on youtube becuase youtube want accept vidoe no longer than 10mins, which ours is way over

overall, i have enjoyed this task, and has helped me improve my camear and edditing skills when coming to do my music video task

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