Wednesday 22 July 2009

Shooting schedule, location and mock ups


We are going to give ourselves 2 weeks to film our music video; this will give us plenty of time to shoot different shots in different locations, because our main locations are in a bedroom and a street outside. We will also give ourselves 2 weeks for editing and finalising our music video by adding special effects and the non diegetic soundtrack, which will improve the quality of our final piece.
The following dates we will run by

Monday 7th September 2009 – Look at location for opening scene.
Wednesday 9th September 2009 – Find soundtrack for music video, listen to lyrics to see how we can link to the narrative.
Friday 11th September 2009 – Get costume ready for character and film opening scene.
Sunday 13th September 2009 – Film middle of music video (tracking girl’s feelings).
Monday 14th September 2009 – Finish ending of girl’s scenes and film street scenes with male.
Wednesday 16th September 2009 – Film the boyfriends scene in bedroom.
Friday 18th September 2009 – Finalise any unfilmed clips in our storyboard.

Monday 21st September 2009- Upload video on ‘I-movies’ editing programme.
Wednesday 23rd September 2009 – Edit, delete any unnecessary scenes.
Friday 25th September 2009 – Edit, add soundtrack.
Monday 28th September 2009 – Edit, finalise scenes.

We must follow this schedule so we keep on track; from previous experience we know that keeping to a deadline is important as allows more time to complete our work to a high standard.


We have decided that the appropriate setting for our narrative storyline is in a bedroom for both male and female characters. We found this from our research as using a bedroom as a stock setting will add realism and more audience members will be able to relate to the music video, therefore making it more engaging to watch.

The street location will link in with the narrative storyline because it relates to the song chosen. This also follows the typical codes and conventions of the music genre hardcore, because it is outside. It gives the audience members variation and makes it seem more exciting.


We will use a mobile phone as a main prop because it helps connect the two characters together and also follows a convention of the hardcore videos as we found in our research a mobile phone was used as a prop frequently. We will also use make up as a main prop because this links in with our storyline and gives the female a sexual identity, because it would appeal to the male audience members. It also means female audience members can relate to it and this will improve the overall quality of the video.

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