Wednesday 22 July 2009


SCRIPT FOR MUSIC VIDEO- -We have created this script for our music video which we will use when filming our video. It follows the narrative structure and it includes stage directions and speech which we can follow directly.

Opening begins with a young girl sitting on her bed, obviously distressed and upset looking at her phone, sending a text message to her boyfriend saying “ I saw you and her…walking in the rain!” to her boyfriend.

KATIE. “Sigh”. (The young folds her arms and tucks her self on her bed)

Then you are immediately, focused on the Katie’s boyfriend in another location (his bedroom), receiving the text message off the girl

TOM. “Sigh”. (He gets up and immediately walks off distressed and confused)

KATIE. “Tom”. (Stokes picture has she recalls old memories, whilst looking at photographs on her bed of her boyfriend)

TOM. (You see a straight cut of the boyfriend looking upset lying on his bed in a daze after receiving this text. He walks around in his bedroom looking out the window then a close up of his face is shown)

KATIE. “How could you?” (Katie steps up in the same position as her boyfriend looking outside the window ** (FLASHBACK) ** she recalls seeing her boyfriend with another girl holding hands. She shakes of this memory and starts of thinking of a plan to get over him, so she starts getting ready for a night out.

Katie starts putting on her make up and changing outfits and dancing in her room.

KATIE. “I saw you and her… walking in the rain… you were holding hands and I… will never be the same”. (She sings the lyrics in the mirror)

*** (FLASHBACKS) *** of seeing her boyfriend with another girl, interrupts whilst she’s getting ready.

KATIE. Katie storms out the house determined not to cry whilst flashbacks of her and her boyfriend laughing together, however she’s walking up the same road, where she saw them holding hands.

ENDING: Location; road
You see Katie walking off in the rain on her own from behind.

Shooting schedule, location and mock ups


We are going to give ourselves 2 weeks to film our music video; this will give us plenty of time to shoot different shots in different locations, because our main locations are in a bedroom and a street outside. We will also give ourselves 2 weeks for editing and finalising our music video by adding special effects and the non diegetic soundtrack, which will improve the quality of our final piece.
The following dates we will run by

Monday 7th September 2009 – Look at location for opening scene.
Wednesday 9th September 2009 – Find soundtrack for music video, listen to lyrics to see how we can link to the narrative.
Friday 11th September 2009 – Get costume ready for character and film opening scene.
Sunday 13th September 2009 – Film middle of music video (tracking girl’s feelings).
Monday 14th September 2009 – Finish ending of girl’s scenes and film street scenes with male.
Wednesday 16th September 2009 – Film the boyfriends scene in bedroom.
Friday 18th September 2009 – Finalise any unfilmed clips in our storyboard.

Monday 21st September 2009- Upload video on ‘I-movies’ editing programme.
Wednesday 23rd September 2009 – Edit, delete any unnecessary scenes.
Friday 25th September 2009 – Edit, add soundtrack.
Monday 28th September 2009 – Edit, finalise scenes.

We must follow this schedule so we keep on track; from previous experience we know that keeping to a deadline is important as allows more time to complete our work to a high standard.


We have decided that the appropriate setting for our narrative storyline is in a bedroom for both male and female characters. We found this from our research as using a bedroom as a stock setting will add realism and more audience members will be able to relate to the music video, therefore making it more engaging to watch.

The street location will link in with the narrative storyline because it relates to the song chosen. This also follows the typical codes and conventions of the music genre hardcore, because it is outside. It gives the audience members variation and makes it seem more exciting.


We will use a mobile phone as a main prop because it helps connect the two characters together and also follows a convention of the hardcore videos as we found in our research a mobile phone was used as a prop frequently. We will also use make up as a main prop because this links in with our storyline and gives the female a sexual identity, because it would appeal to the male audience members. It also means female audience members can relate to it and this will improve the overall quality of the video.

Friday 17 July 2009



The Artists we have chosen to use is ‘Sublime’, using the song, ‘Walking in the rain’, this song is an unknown dance track. We thought this song was appropriate for our target audience and audience profile because the songs genre is dance, which was the most popular genre of music in our questionnaires. The song itself is fast paced which was included in my group members questionnaire results in aspects of the music they enjoy listening to. This also made the track more relevant to the hardcore/dance genre, in contrast to just the dance genre. This means that we will represent the artist following codes and conventions of the dance/hardcore genre. Our audience would not be gender specific as both genders are attracted to the song, however we will target more females than males because the lead vocalist is female, which will attract more of a female audience. The age range would be about 17/18; our target audience, as they would be the most likely age range attracted to enjoy this track.

The artist herself, 'Sublime' will be really easy to mould to audiences expectations because she is extremely commercial; following post modern fashion styles and allowing herself to follow the typical codes and conventions of the hardcore genre. Some examples of conventions which our artist follows is being attractive. This means she would be viewed as empowering to women, allowing herself to be portrayed as a post modern feminist, which would increase her popularity. This also means she would be sexually appealing to men and therefore this may help us to increase our target audience. Another advantage of our artist is that the song itself is also extremely commercially viable within the dance/hardcore genre as it is similar to other popular songs where the track is 'built up', then 'released' in the chorus, allowing audiences to dance to it, which is extremely important within this genre

AGED: 16-21
FAVOURITE GENRE OF MUSIC: hardcore/ dace commercial

synopsis of video

PLANNING- SYNOPSIS OF MUSIC VIDEO- this is our synopsis for our music video for the track: Sublime- walking in the rain. We have decided to follow a narrative story line to the track, which will help engage our audience more.

OPENING: location; in a teenage bedroom

We see a young girl sitting on her bed, obviously distressed and upset looking at her phone, sending a text message saying “ I saw you and her…walking in the rain!” to her boyfriend.

Then you are immediately, focused on the boyfriend in another location (his bedroom), receiving the text message off the girl, who immediately walks off distressed and confused.

We follow the girl’s emotions, as she recalls old memories, whilst looking at photographs on her bed of her boyfriend.

You see a straight cut of the boyfriend looking upset lying on his bed in a daze after receiving this text. He walks around in his bedroom looking out the window then a close up of his face is shown.

The girl steps up in the same position as her boyfriend looking outside the window **(FLASHBACK)** she recalls seeing her boyfriend with another girl holding hands. She shakes of this memory and starts of thinking of a plan to get over him, so she starts getting ready for a night out.

The young girl starts putting on her make up and changing outfits and dancing in her room. She sings the lyrics in the mirror “ I saw you and her… walking in the rain… you were holding hands and I… will never be the sammmmmeeeee”

***(FLASHBACKS)*** of seeing her boyfriend with another girl, interrupts whilst she’s getting ready.

She storms out the house determined not to cry whilst flashbacks of her and her boyfriend laughing together, however she’s walking up the same road, where she saw them holding hands.

ENDING: Location; road
You see her walking off in the rain on her own from behind all alone.


Now all our research is done, as group we need to start planning for our music video:
we need to consider:
  1. band/artiste
  2. pitch
  3. synopsis
  4. script
  5. location
  6. storyboard
  7. shooting schedule
  8. draft
  9. mock ups

Video of summarise of findings

At the end of the research stage, i had to compile a vidoe to summarise my group's findings

We managed to get it all fimled in one day, so that was succesful. We tried ways of getting our point across in a fun manner. We tried filiming outside in new location which helped added a fun atmosphere to the video.

we editied our vidoe on the Imovie. we added sound tracks and even tried to convert a vidoe of youtube into imoive, however this was unsuccesful. The convert website wasnt reading the url code.

we wanted to engage our viewer, so our main target was to make the begiing as fun and exciting, so it would attract the viewer. we did this by jump cutting to different psotioons on the bench and each say somthing and swapiing places. we added a non-diegetic sound track at the begning, which made it look more professional


  • as a pair, we didnt consider time, therefore our time managment wasnt very good. we went over 10mins, which could mean out view might get bored, but the information it foucused and doesnt go off the subject of the points we are trying to make.

our video is now complete, however we cant put in on youtube becuase youtube want accept vidoe no longer than 10mins, which ours is way over

overall, i have enjoyed this task, and has helped me improve my camear and edditing skills when coming to do my music video task

Reflection on Comparable Adverts


ANALYSING AN ADVERT- I will now start analyzing different advertising form. I will analyze adverts for my chosen genre to see how they are constructed and marketed to its audience. 

After doing some research into advertisement for the genre Hardcore music, it was hard to find adverts, because hardcore isn’t considered commercial in the music industry, therefore it doesn’t get enough publicity.


However there is a group of hardcore ravers who wanting to give other ravers an insight all things Hardcore. Ravin Eye is a magazine that is targeted at a young audience and believes that Hardcore is back to its best and want to keep it updated. It is filled with album reviews, information on MC/Hardcore DJs, upcoming events and reviews and pictures. They are here to tell you what’s new in the hardcore scene.


Ravin eye reaches its target audience by handing out their magazine after the end of hardcore raves. Ravin Eye is part of HTID official’s partners and has even been voted for the best website/magazine at the hardcore heaven awards 2008.


It is clear to whom this magazine is targeted at by the font. The font is very funky and the way ‘Ravin’ is spelt, is spelt in a young slang way. The images used to promote the magazine are very young, which helps attract is target audience. The colours are very bright which grabs the reader attention, aswell as illustrating that this magazine is fun and live.


‘Ravin Eye’ is viewed by a lot of hardcore music fans, therefore people use this has hard piece of source and feel that it is reliable. This makes the information inside considers true or right due to the high standard and popularity of this magazine.

This is a great way to help promote or advertise a new CD because due to this genre specific; HARDCORE, it will be a easier for people to hear about it.


 This is an advert that I came across in the ‘Ravin Eye’ which is a ‘Raver Baby event 11 rave advert, however on the bottom, they are advertising the NEW HTID  CD packs on this flyer.

 ‘’ is a website that has sponsorship with the music hardcore industry. It is officially partners with HTID, therefore both help each other help to advertise there merchandise and CDs.

This creates a stronger product image for its target audience by having its products advertise with ‘Raver baby’.

 Raverbaby is a well know record label and event night, so therefore knows that it will be viewed a lot, meaning they can advertise the CD is the only place where you can buy these CDs digital recorded live from the hardcore rave events; therefore this makes the sponsorship ideal for each other because both can make profit by targeting it audience. On the website it adversities upcoming rave events connected to HTID and raverbaby.

The advert for its CDs is positioned underneath the flyer for the ‘Raver baby’ event night. This advert is a lot smaller because it’s only a sponsorship advert. The solid black box helps separate the event from the CD avert which means it’s a lot easier to read.

 From my own experience, you can’t buy these CD packs in a regular music store, and with the advert for, I was able to know that you can buy them online, which helped promote these CD packs to me. 


This advert is a lot more genre specific because it’s primary purpose is to inform and to sell the new Hardcore CD album to its target audience.This advert is a lot more targeted and focused for promoting this album due to the fact it was found in the ‘Ravin Eye’ hardcore magazine.Aswell as having the album positioned in the centre, there is a paragraph underneath, trying to persuade its target audience to buy this album.

 Using positive adjectives helps describe this album as something you must buy or you’ll be missing out of the: “60 biggest floor wrecking explosive hardcore track of all time”. The use of the over aggregation of the exclamation marks, creates a tone of voice that almost shouting the message to its reader and grabbing its target audience attention.

 The repetition of the word ‘Hardcore’ helps keep focus of the genre of music of this album, aswell as targeting its ‘Hardcore’ music fans.

 Having the added paragraph underneath in the same font and colour helps connect the album to the message more clearly. The bold capital creates a bigger impact and impression of this album.

 It includes more information about this CD to help attract its target audience by placing the well known DJs, in hoping this will draw more attention. On the album cover it only tells your who its mixed by, whereas the advert, it gives you more flavor by telling you the track it included, which helps attract more of its mass target audience.

I think this a clever way to draw more attention because from my own experience, after knowing that a new hardcore CD is out, I look at the track list and what DJs have helped remixed it. By knowing the DJs standards, it helps you make a decision on buying the album. If you know the DJ is good, you know that this album will be good. 

4)ADVERT FOR NEW CDS IN ALBUM REVIEW. This album review was found in the ‘Ravin Eye’ Hardcore magazine: Issue 32.This album review columnist is a lot different compared to the adverts I have analyzed.This is still considered a way of advertising new alums; just that there is a review next to the album picture which makes this a lot more informal. The tone of voice of this review is very chatty and friendly and gives it you straight what’s good and bad about the new albums.

 The style of language is very slang which helps engage its younger target audience. The review includes information about the DJ or history of the album with the positive features of what tunes are the best.This sort of style of advertisement for the albums creates an emotional realism because somebody has already listened to it and is giving its own opinion in a review to add credibility to the new albums.

A lot of people may be persuaded more to buy the albums, if they have read a review about it. Nobody will buy the album if they’ve read that it’s bad, therefore its audience can use this a reliable source of information on buying the new album if they know it’s good. However this is someone else’s opinion therefore is a subjective matter.

 The text font is very small, however with the use of black background and white font, makes it readable. The genre of the albums is obvious to its reader, due to the fact this advert was found in the ‘Ravin Eye’ hardcore magazine, which only promotes information about the music and scene of Hardcore.


This advert is very similar to the one above. Somebody has reviewed the new upcoming singles being released before anybody as heard them.

 However what is different from this review is that to help promote and advertise the new single tracks, they have used a ‘Hardcore Celebrity; DJ breeze to review the tracks. Having a well know DJ makes his opinion more reliable because he is considered a top DJ who has been popular in the last decade. This creates an emotional realism because somebody has already listened to it and DJ breeze gives his own opinion in a review to add credibility to the new single tracks.

 This is a common way to promote the new tracks by using a ‘celebrity’ because it gives a greater exposure for the new tracks due to his status. Having DJ Breeze appearing in this weekly columnist of ‘tunes reviews’ is a ‘plug’ advertisement. This means he is giving a trial of his opinion to the columnist to help promote the new hardcore tracks.

 This column is sponsored by a big campaign’ IM RECORDS, which is a well known logo. Its audience will know the quality and standard behind the logo which means it will help persuade them into buying the track. IM RECORDS is HTID official’s partners and the DJ who gave the review is linked to HTID.

 The layout is very simple and clear to read and the graphology features are similar to a review columnist, therefore its audience will know that this is a review. The colours are gender natural and very bright, which helps stand out this review and makes it memorable to the reader. 

Saturday 11 July 2009


RESEARCH INTO INSTITUTIONS-  I will now carry out work on the music industry.


RECORD LABEL- RAVERBABY “From the creators of ‘Hardcore Til I Die gives you another reason to become forever Hardcore”


 Raver baby is a hardcore record label that was developed from ‘HTID’. Raverbaby his associated in the music market for producing songs from artists in the hardcore music industry.  It manages well known hardcore artiste and has helped produced known hardcore songs.



Darren Styles, Gammer, Dougal, DJ Breeze, Weaver, Squad-E, DJ Hixxy.




As a record label, Raver baby is popular in the hardcore music industry. It holds rave events for their music up and down the UK. It is much admired in Birmingham, where the artiste signed to the record label, play their Raver baby tracks in the club event.


They are very successful in what they do, and is on their 14 event this year, which shows there popularity to the record label Raverbaby. They even produce CD packs with the help of digital technology, which means they can digitally record live from the event, to give a more exciting experience and aswell as allowing people to listen to their music.


RECORD LABEL- ALL AROUND THE WORLD- A brand which created ‘Clubland’


All Around The world is a UK dance record label and ‘Clubland’ is a brand created by this record label. Founded in 1991, AATW have released more than 200 singles and albums and have been in some of the biggest dance albums in the past decade. They release more commercial dance tracks, with well known dance artiste and hardcore artiste.

 The Clubland series now the clear number 1 choice in the market both as an album and a brand which has extended into nightclubs across the country. Other albums include the incredibly popular Floorfillers series; Clubland X-Treme which gives you a taste of the harder side of Clubland; Clubland X-Treme Hardcore represents the one scene which has never faded from the underground of Clubland.



Breeze (hardcore DJ), N-Trance, Ultra beat (hardcore DJ), Cascada, Darren styles (hardcore DJ) Flip & Fill



HOW SUCCESFUL ARE THEY: as a record label AATW have released more than 200 singles and albums and have been in some of the biggest dance albums in the past decade. With Clubland as their popular dance album, its series is currently up to volume 15. Clubland host live events in nightclubs and have done a clubland’ Night of Your Life’ tour. Clubland also is released as monthly radio show from a pod cast and has its on digital TV channel ‘Clubland TV’.



Both record labels are appropriate for the type of genre I am choosing; Hardcore. Both record labels are involved in the music industry for this genre; however AATW is a lot more commercial.  The artists I have chosen as done track with both the record labels. If I am doing my own hardcore series similar to the clubland series, I need to consider if I should go commercial. There are a lot of commercial albums out there and not enough of underground hardcore. I need to see which would be more beneficial for my audience and the popularity.


MUSIC TELEVISION- in order for my music video to be viewed on a music channel, the channel that would be most suited due to its genre would be

‘Clubland TV’.


In January 2008, Clubland launched its own TV channel on Sky channel 383. The channel airs the latest Clubland music videos as well as Clubland classics.

SCHEDULE: plays 24/7

GENRE OF MUSIC PLAYED:  commercial dance/ Hardcore

CHANNEL DEMOGRAPHIC: The target audience for ‘Clubland TV’ is targeted at dance/ hardcore fans. Clubland plays the lasted dance tracks signed to the record label AATW. This it the same target audience I will be targeting at.