Friday 20 November 2009

Draft mock ups for our advert

Reflection in after taking images off the artist 'Sublime' we chose the appropriate image to use for the final advert.We took several photos of our artist 'Sublime' which we could use in our final advert. These are a few examples of some photos that we took. We wanted lots of variation and therefore used lots of different poses so that we had lots to choose from.

Here are our original images of the artist

This is the final image we chose for the advert as it was flirty yet gave off a postive portray of the music genre, which somtimes can be seem to exrated

We then saved the images and uploaded them onto a mac and edited on software called 'Pages', which allows you to use templates of adverts which you can then place your images off choice

This is our draft for our advert:


  1. This print ad is really good and has all the necessary information but you don't say whether it follows the codes and conventions of the print ads you analysed or if you challenged the genre conventions. xx

  2. I love your poster, i think it completely reflects the genre of your music. Its bold and bright and I feel that you are reaching your target demographic with this poster :)

  3. The poster works really well, there is a good use of colour and i like the way that the font and the background and costume of the artist are the same kind of colours.

  4. i love the colours on this, the layout is really good, obviously really thought out :)

  5. I really like your poster. I like the colours and the image you've used. Maybe have a different colour instead of white as your background to make it stand out more.
